Quick start manual
开箱检查 Open-package inspection
开关机 Power on/off
灯光切换 Toggling the light
电量显示 Battery stamina
Battery stamina display avaliable only when the vehicle keep stationary
更换彩壳 Changing covers
更换彩壳 Changing covers
学习驾驶 Learn to ride
For different customers, it may take 2-20 hours to ride well
Step on one pedal, swing back and forth, feel the control hints
心移上去 Lean closely to the electronics cabin with the shank on pedal. Shift the center-of-gravity of your body gradually on the vehicle.
单脚踏板,另一只脚离地 1-2 秒,滑行
With one foot on the pedal, glide with the other foot by lifting for 1-2 seconds
3-5 米 With one foot on pedal, glide 3-5 meters by thrust against the ground with the other foot
With both feet on the pedal, going backward and forward via controlling the center of gravity of your body
Make a turn by applying different force on the pedals.
警告 Warning
Wear helmet and protection clothing when riding
Watch out skid when riding up and down slopes
Watch out head collision
Watch out obstacles on the way
Watch out skid on the road
禁止 Prohibited
Don’t climb steps during riding
Don’t swing fore-aft during riding
Don’t ride with more than one person
Don’t accelerate sharply
Don’t ride onto motorways
Don’t accelerate when the pedals lean back or you hear beep alarm
Don‘t ride with single leg on the pedal
Don‘t jump during riding
Don’t soak in the water
清洁 Clean
用湿毛巾 / 洗手液擦洗
Clean with wet towel & soap
APP下载 App Download
Scan the QR code to download and install the Ninebot App and get more fun
充电 Charging
Input voltage of the charger
100~240VAC/50~60Hz input, 2.5A Max
1.注意!本产品为运动娱乐产品,不是可以合法上路的机动车。安全驾驶本产品前,您需要大量练习以掌握安 全驾驶技巧。如果驾驶技巧不熟练和/或未按本指南要求使用本产品,可能造成驾驶者和/或第三方的人身伤 害或财产损失。本公司只承担产品故障或损坏相关的责任,不承担任何与使用本产品相关的人身伤害和/或财 产损失的责任。
2.Ninebot One具有以下自动保护功能:基于驾驶员体重和剩余电量的智能限速保护。侧倾超过45度即自动停机保 护。轮胎悬空超过2秒即自动停机保护。动力电源短路保护、电池欠压保护、过压保护。详细信息请访问 www.ninebot.com以了解每一项保护功能的详情。必须说明,虽然本产品具备全面的自动安全保护机制,但这些安 全保护机制都只有当用户遵守本指南要求、遵守所在地区相关法律法规的基础上才能发挥作用。
3.请务必仔细阅读并遵守本指南中“警告”和“禁止”这两部分的内容,时刻注意安全驾驶,不超速,不做危险动作,任 何时候禁止与机动车共用道路驾驶。以下是一些其他的安全驾驶注意事项:
i. 14岁以下的未成年人及60岁以上老年人。 14~18岁的未成年人需在成年人的监护下驾驶本产品。
ii. 仍处在药物或酒精作用下、行动和反应能力受限的人士。
4.Ninbot One配备Ninedroid App,该App可运行在较新的IOS和Android设备上;强烈建议用户安装并使用此App, Ninedroid App具有更新产品固件(以提升性能和安全性)、液晶仪表盘、行车记录仪、访问Ninebot官方论坛等功 能。及时更新Ninebot One的固件可以让用户获得安全性更高、功能更丰富的驾驶体验。
参 数(单位) C 2016 款 C+ E 2016 款 E+ P
材质及外观 AZ91D镁合金, LEXAN PC,铝合金瓷白和高光黑。多种彩色外观套件可选。 限量版或定制款外观不定期推出,请访问Ninebot官网商城或Ninebot天猫旗舰店。
包装尺寸 (mm) 540 × 215 × 518
整车尺寸 (mm) 约 475 × 453 × 175
电池仓 / 腿垫 浅灰色弹性PU垫 浅灰色弹性PU垫 白色皮质腿垫 白色皮质腿垫 黑色皮质腿垫
整车重量 ( kg ) 约 12.8 约 13.8 约 14 约 14 约 14.2
额定功率 (Watt) 450 450 500 500 800
最大舒适速度*(Km/h) 约 18 约 20 约 22 约 24 约 25
最高载重 (kg) 100 100 120 120 120
电池组** 55.5V / 160Wh
55.5V / 220Wh
55.5V / 240Wh
续航里程 *** (km) 约 10~14 约 18~22 约 20~25 约 25~30 约 28~35
充电时间(h) ~1.5 ~2.5 ~3 ~4 ~4
充电器 输入100~240VAC,50/60Hz,最大2A;输出 63VDC~1.9A。额定输出功率120W
工作温度 (°C ) -10~45
显示面板 两侧面环形显示面板。 20×2个独立RGB LED、电量指示、刹车变红灯、低电量黄灯或红灯, 用户自定义光效和显示面板开关状态。
可选附件 附件支架(可用于安装大部分自行车配件及辅助学习带),辅助学习轮套件,易于拆换的个性化 彩色保护壳套件,停车支架及拉杆等。250W 大功率充电器,可缩短 50% 充电时间 ( 仅国际版本 型号 ),更多可选附件请访问 ( 在线商店 - 配件中心 ) www.ninebot.com
* 采用智能控制算法限速,二级报警。因此驾驶者体重不同、在不同电量下所能达到的最高时速有所区别。
** Ninebot One之所有型号电池均通过了UN38.3安全性测试及民航运输认证,可安全使用或者作为货物航空托运。 (但也取决于当地机场的政策限制)
*** 70kg体重驾驶者,环境温度25°C,平坦光滑路面, 12~15km/h匀速驾驶测得。 大体重、环境温度低、路面不平整以及频繁加减速会使 实际续航低于标称续航。
版权声明 Copyright anouncement
九号机器人™、 Ninebot™是纳恩博(天津)科技有限公司(以下称纳恩博公司或Ninebot Inc.)的注册商标。 本 手册中提到的其他任何商标,其所有权利属其拥有者所有。 Ninebot Inc.保留对九号机器人™、 Ninebot™、 “9字 形图标”的一切权利。
Ninebot Inc.拥有Ninebot One所涉及的多项专利,并正在申请多项专利。本使用该指南由Ninebot Inc.制作并拥有 全部版权,任何机构及个人未经Ninebot Inc.书面许可不得复制、分发本使用指南的全部或任何部分,不得擅自 使用这些专利。
本快速使用指南在印刷时已尽可能包含Ninebot One的各项功能介绍和使用说明。但由于产品功能不断完善、设计 变更等,可能与您购买的Ninebot One产品有不符之处。敬请登录纳恩博官网 (www.ninebot.com)中的服务与支持 栏目,下载并查看最新的Ninebot One使用指南电子版。 Ninebot One有多个不同功能的型号。本手册中提及的部分 功能可能在您的Ninebot One上无法实现,敬请注意。由于产品更新,本手册之描述与实际产品功能可能有所偏 差,请以官方网站上提供的电子版使用指南和实际产品为准。

Ninebot™ and the shape icon are the registered trademark of Ninebot (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd. (Ninebot Inc.); The owners shall reserve all the rights of their trademarks referred to in this manual, and Ninebot Inc. shall reserve all the rights of Ninebot™ and the shape icon.
Ninebot Inc. is the owner of various patents relating to Ninebot and Ninebot One personal transportation robot, and some other patents pending. This manual is prepared by Ninebot Inc. who shall reserve all its copyrights. No institute or individual shall copy or disseminate this manual as a whole or in part, or take use of the aforesaid patents without the consent of Ninebot Inc. in writing.
We have tried as much as possible to include the description and instruction for all the functions of Ninebot One at the time of printing, but there may still be discrepancies with the Ninebot One that you have bought because of improvement and change in design of functions. Please visit www.ninebot.com and enter “support&service” channel to download and check the latest electronic user manual for Ninebot One.
Please note that there are multiple Ninebot One models with different functions, and some of the functions mentioned herein may not be achieved by your Ninebot.
Ninebot Inc. shall reserve the right to explain any deviation of the actual products from those described in the manual in terms of specifications.
附件(选购) Optional Accessory
Safety Instruction
1. Caution! Ninebot One is an entertainment product, which is different from those motor vehicles driving on the motor road. Before mastering riding skills, you need to practice a lot. Any injuries or lost caused by rider’s unfamiliar skills or riding doesn’t obey instructions listed, Ninebot Inc. is excluded from those responsibilities. Our company only responsible for damages caused due to product failure.
2. Ninebot One has those automatic protective functions: speed limit protection based on rider’s weight and battery capacity; Automatically turned off once leaning over 45 degree; Automatically turned off once tire hung up more than 2 seconds; Power short circuit protection, battery over-voltage or low-voltage protection, etc. For any detail info, pls visit www.ninebot.com. Pay attention, although there are several automatic protective functions for this product, only riders obey this safety instruction and local law and regulation can those protective function be protective.
3. Please read and obey “Warning” and “Prohibit” carefully in this instruction. Riding under safety instruction and do not ride over-speed. Under no circumstance can ride together with motor vehicles on the motor road. Here are some safety riding tips:
A) Those people below are forbidden riding Ninebot One.
I. Age under 14 years old or above 60 years old. Those teenagers between 14-18 years old should ride under adult’s guidance.
Ii. Those who are still under the influence of alcohol and drugs with low response.
Iii. Those who suffer from hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular or other high risk disease not suitable for the sports.
B) Please have a clear understanding about the local law and regulation before riding this product. Do not ride on the roads which is forbidden by local laws.
C) Do not ride ninebot one in the dark night or circumstances with unclear sight. Please buy optional headlight and attachment accessory if necessary.
D) Do not ride in the snow and rainy days or on the roads which is muddy, soft and icy.
E) When battery indicate light is yellow or red, do not ride at a high speed or accelerate or decelerate suddenly.
4. Ninebot One is equipped with Ninedroid APP, which can be installed in IOS and Android devices. We strongly recommend users install this APP. Ninedroid is with the function of updating the software ( to improve product performance and safety), dashboard, driving record, visiting Ninebot web page, etc. Update Ninebot One software timely can provide a better driving experience with higher safety.
Note: Specifications vary per different models. There will be no further notice in case of any changes.
Spec C+ E+ P
Material and Appearance AZ91D magnesium alloy, LEXAN PC, LEXAN porcelain-white and glossy black.
Different color kits set optional.
Limited edition and customized edition please visit web page.
Package Size 540×215×518 mm ( 1.8×0.7×1.7 ft )
Machine Size ~475×453×175 mm ( ~1.6×1.5×0.6 ft )
Battery/Leg pad Light gray elastic PU White leather legs pad Black leather legs pad
Machine Weight ~13.8 kg ( 30.4 Ib ) ~14 kg ( 30.9Ib ) ~14.2 kg ( 31.3 Ib )
Rated Power 450 W ( 0.6 hp) 500 W ( 0.7 hp) 800 W ( 1.1 hp)
Max Speed * ~20 km/h ( 12.4 mph) ~24 km/h ( 14.9 mph) ~25 km/h ( 15.5 mph)
Max Payload 100 kg ( 220.5 Ib ) 120 kg ( 264.6 Ib ) 120 kg ( 264.6 Ib )
Battery Set ** Heavy load battery of 55.5V/220Wh (0.3hp·h) easy to replace Heavy load battery of 55.5V/320Wh (0.4hp·h) easy to replace Heavy load battery of 55.5V/340Wh (0.5hp·h) easy to replace
Mileage *** ~18~22Km (~11~14mi) ~25~30Km (~16~19mi) ~28~35Km (~17~22mi)
Charge time ~2.5 h ~4 h ~4 h
Charger Input 100 ~ 100 vac, 50/60 hz, the largest 2 a;
The output 63 VDC ~ 1.9 A. Rated output power 120 w ( 0.2hp)
Operating temperature -10~45 °C ( 14~113 °F)
Dashboard Annulus dashboard on both sides. 20*2 independent RGB LED,
battery status,red lights when break, low battery is yellow lights or red
Optional Accessory Accessory holder (for assembling most bicycle accessories and assistant learning belt), assistant learning wheel set, easily change customized color protection shell set, colorful soft silicon cover etc. 250W super-power charger, can shorten charging time by 50%.More optional accessory (Online Store- Spare parts centre), please visit www.ninebot.com
* The top speed might differ due to the different weight of drivers and different power, as Ninebot One is equipped with intelligent algorithm control for the speed limit and dual alert.
** All models of Ninebot One batteries can be safely used or shipped by air, as they have passed the UN38.3 safety testing and civil aviation certification.(however, it also depends on the local airport policy ).
*** The test was made by a 70kg(154Ib) ( driver on flat and smooth road, at a constant speed of 12-15 km/h ( 7-9 mph) around 25°C ( 77°F). Overweight,low temperature,tough terrain and frequent speed changes will make the actual battery life shorter than the standard. Some models are available in specific region only. (C+, E+, P are available for oversea market)
联系方式 Contacts
纳恩博公司 Ninebot Inc.
总部地址: 北京市海淀区西小口路66号 中关村东升科技园北领地A-1号楼一层
电 话: +86-010-84828002
传 真: +86-010-84828002 转 800
400免费电话(中国): 400-607-0001(咨询 / 购买 / 售后服务)
电子邮件: service@ninebot.com
网 址: www.ninebot.com

Ninebot Inc.
Head office: 1F, A-1 Bldg., Northern Territory of Zhongguancun Science Park, 66 Xixiaokou Rd., Haidian District, Beijing China
Te l : +86-010-84828002
Fax: +86-010-84828002 To 800
Toll Free (China only): 400-607-0001
E-mail(inquiry): sales@ninebot.com
E-mail(Global service): service@ninebot.com
Skype(Global service): Ninebotservice1 or Ninebotservice2
Website: www.ninebot.com
Compliance: CE,FCC,KC,ROHS,UN38.3,REACH
Product Standard: Q/12WQ5444-2015
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this product does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body